Academic Programmes And Courses
The Karen Medical Training College has 3 departments Offering 4 medical courses. The college also offers 2 short courses. The Academic programmes offered include;
Intakes – April & September
Course duration: 3 years
Course Entry/Admission requirements
The eligible candidate shall have attained
the following minimum academic qualifications:
Mandatory requirements
• C Plain aggregate in KCSE
• C (Plain) in English or Kiswahili
• C (Plain) in Biology or Biological Sciences
• Additional subjects C- (minus) in any of the
• Physics, Physical Sciences,Chemistry, Mathematics
Intakes: July
Course Duration: 2 Years
Entry Requirements: KCSE C Minus and Above
Intakes: September
Course duration: 24 Months
Course Entry/Admission requirements
Basic Diploma/Degree in Clinical Medicine and Surgery
Intakes: September
Course Duration: 24 Months
Course Entry/Admission requirements
Basic Diploma/Degree in Clinical Medicine and Surgery
The short courses offered include;
This Is a two Day Training offered to both Clinicians and Non-Clinicians. It provides skills of life saving techniques. It’s once Every month. It costs Ksh 6,000.
This is a 3 Day course offered to clinicians Only. It follows the American art association Guidelines. It’s Offered Once every Three Months. It costs Ksh 12,000.